Dave Hodges
January 13, 2014
The Common Sense Show

Agenda 21, or Earth First as it is now being called, spells doom for the Republic. As millions of documents have demonstrated, its policies are the antithesis of private property ownership, personal liberty, unaccountable and tyrannical administration of justice, anti-family and anti-representative government. Yet, like a flock of good little sheep, we continue to acquiesce to the tyranny. If you community does not presently have an Lexington Green, it may be time to build your center of resistance which will stand up to federal tyranny.
Everywhere, and I mean everywhere, that Agenda 21 has a strong foothold, we find extreme corruption, whether it is in Larimer County, CO. or Los Angeles County, CA. There is nowhere our people are safe from a tyrannical government gone crazy. As you are being evicted from your home, are going to continue to watch your favorite reality TV show on your mobile device during the eviction process? Attention sheep of America, there is nowhere left to hide.
Nowhere is there an organization like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA is made up people who delight in spreading misery and tyranny to as many Americans as possible. They make up their own rules, enforce these rules retroactively and they are not accountable to anyone.
The EPA is the enemy of the people and strong action needs to be taken against this criminal enterprise organization.
All across the nation, from Maryland to Colorado, states are adopting EPA regulations against warming up your car by prohibiting the practice they call “puffing”.
Many officials have their local community participate in the TV show Bait Car, in which local law enforcement entices a person to commit a crime (i.e. stealing a car) that they might otherwise not commit by leaving the keys in the ignition. Yet, these same states will fine you up to $1,000 for leaving your keys in the ignition of a vehicle which is not in motion. And what is truly behind these ridiculous policies? Why, it is the EPA who claim that they want cleaner air for everyone.
We would not want to confuse the EPA with the facts. For example, General Motors (GM) actually issued a statement encouraging remote starters on their cares, recently said that warming up a car actually reduces pollutants. GM states that “because the catalyst that traps the unburned hydrocarbons only activates once the engine is warm”. Yet, the EPA issued a report that claims modern vehicles need little warm-up. Idling for long periods in cold weather can actually cause excessive engine wear. Of course, as it is with the rest of the EPA’s policies, their policies are not backed up by legitimate science. Rather, the EPA rules by pseudo-scientific edict and their rulings always fly in the face of the public’s interest.
EPA ally and confidant, California governor, Jerry Brown, stated that he will veto any modified bill that does not contain the ability to seize private property which stands in the way of achieving a sustainable community.
SB 1 contains language which models EPA “best practices” in which homes can even be taken a half a mile away from an public transportation site. Please allow me to painfully clear on this point. If the EPA wants to create a “no man’s land”, all they have to do is claim that they are going to “someday, at some future date of their choosing, ” build a public transportation site. If SB 1 is successful in its Agenda 21/EPA inspired California beta test, this is the kind of strategy which will sweep this nation as the EPA seeks to force all Americans from suburban and rural areas and make us all live in densely populated urban areas while living in 300 square foot micro-apartments.
At the end of the day, all city and county and governments will be able to create an unelected bureaucracies in order to create these “sustainable communities”. And one last item of note regarding the copying of EPA dictates at the local governmental levels, the private ownership of property is not attainable if your home could be taken at any time to create low income, low energy housing. Yes, that is the final provision of this bill. If government seeks to create a low income housing development based upon low energy use, all homes, not considered to be low income, are subject to being taken. I do not think that insanity and tyranny associated with these practices need any further elaboration.
If these Soviet style polices concerns you, you might want to consider distributing a full analysis of Senate Bill 1.
In the case of Riverton, WY., the EPA has a powerful ally in the form of President Obama through the use of Executive Order (EO)13603. This EO combined with the heinous actions of the EPA have now been used to steal an entire town.
Local residents need to reclaim their local governments at the key point in the process. This means capturing the office of the Sheriff in your local county. Every Sheriff is duty bound to uphold the Constitution. In doing so, a Sheriff has the legal right to act against those who are acting in an unconstitutional manner. As such, if your community can capture the office of the Sheriff, the Sheriff could deputize hundreds if not thousands of locally armed citizens. By acting in concert, locally deputized citizens along with Sheriff’s deputies could begin to arrest EPA officials and all local politicians who think that the passage and enforcement of laws, such as SB 1, is actually a good idea.
I completely understand that the Executive branch of the government may respond. Perhaps the King needs to know that tens of thousands of Lexington “greens” awaits his federal tyrants. Perhaps the 200+ military commanders who have been fired by Obama along with hundreds more military officers waiting to be fired, are taking notice.
EPA overrides Congress, hands over town to Indian tribes
Have you heard the story of the residents of Riverton, Wyo.? One day they were Wyomingans, the next they were members of the Wind River tribes — after the Environmental Protection Agency declared the town part of the Wind River Indian Reservation, undoing a 1905 law passed by Congress and angering state officials.
The surprise decision was made by officials of the EPA, the Department of Interior, and Department of Justice early last month, and has invoked the ire of Gov. Matt Mead, who has vowed not to honor the agency’s decision and is preparing to fight in court.
“My deep concern is about an administrative agency of the federal government altering a state’s boundary and going against over 100 years of history and law,” Mead said in a statement. “This should be a concern to all citizens because, if the EPA can unilaterally take land away from a state, where will it stop?”
Latest Anointments
Dave Hodges
January 13, 2014
The Common Sense Show

Agenda 21, or Earth First as it is now being called, spells doom for the Republic. As millions of documents have demonstrated, its policies are the antithesis of private property ownership, personal liberty, unaccountable and tyrannical administration of justice, anti-family and anti-representative government. Yet, like a flock of good little sheep, we continue to acquiesce to the tyranny. If you community does not presently have an Lexington Green, it may be time to build your center of resistance which will stand up to federal tyranny.
Everywhere, and I mean everywhere, that Agenda 21 has a strong foothold, we find extreme corruption, whether it is in Larimer County, CO. or Los Angeles County, CA. There is nowhere our people are safe from a tyrannical government gone crazy. As you are being evicted from your home, are going to continue to watch your favorite reality TV show on your mobile device during the eviction process? Attention sheep of America, there is nowhere left to hide.
Nowhere is there an organization like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA is made up people who delight in spreading misery and tyranny to as many Americans as possible. They make up their own rules, enforce these rules retroactively and they are not accountable to anyone.
The EPA is the enemy of the people and strong action needs to be taken against this criminal enterprise organization.
The EPA and Your Car
The reach of EPA is getting to the point where no American is safe from ruination from its dictatorial policies. For example, under EPA policies he Arctic Vortex is making criminals out of anybody who drives a car.All across the nation, from Maryland to Colorado, states are adopting EPA regulations against warming up your car by prohibiting the practice they call “puffing”.
Many officials have their local community participate in the TV show Bait Car, in which local law enforcement entices a person to commit a crime (i.e. stealing a car) that they might otherwise not commit by leaving the keys in the ignition. Yet, these same states will fine you up to $1,000 for leaving your keys in the ignition of a vehicle which is not in motion. And what is truly behind these ridiculous policies? Why, it is the EPA who claim that they want cleaner air for everyone.
We would not want to confuse the EPA with the facts. For example, General Motors (GM) actually issued a statement encouraging remote starters on their cares, recently said that warming up a car actually reduces pollutants. GM states that “because the catalyst that traps the unburned hydrocarbons only activates once the engine is warm”. Yet, the EPA issued a report that claims modern vehicles need little warm-up. Idling for long periods in cold weather can actually cause excessive engine wear. Of course, as it is with the rest of the EPA’s policies, their policies are not backed up by legitimate science. Rather, the EPA rules by pseudo-scientific edict and their rulings always fly in the face of the public’s interest.
The EPA and Eminent Domain
The playbook of United Nations inspired Agenda 21 policies is in full evidence in California Senate Bill 1 (SB 1). SB 1 will give power to all counties to form what the EPA calls “sustainable communities”.EPA ally and confidant, California governor, Jerry Brown, stated that he will veto any modified bill that does not contain the ability to seize private property which stands in the way of achieving a sustainable community.
SB 1 contains language which models EPA “best practices” in which homes can even be taken a half a mile away from an public transportation site. Please allow me to painfully clear on this point. If the EPA wants to create a “no man’s land”, all they have to do is claim that they are going to “someday, at some future date of their choosing, ” build a public transportation site. If SB 1 is successful in its Agenda 21/EPA inspired California beta test, this is the kind of strategy which will sweep this nation as the EPA seeks to force all Americans from suburban and rural areas and make us all live in densely populated urban areas while living in 300 square foot micro-apartments.
At the end of the day, all city and county and governments will be able to create an unelected bureaucracies in order to create these “sustainable communities”. And one last item of note regarding the copying of EPA dictates at the local governmental levels, the private ownership of property is not attainable if your home could be taken at any time to create low income, low energy housing. Yes, that is the final provision of this bill. If government seeks to create a low income housing development based upon low energy use, all homes, not considered to be low income, are subject to being taken. I do not think that insanity and tyranny associated with these practices need any further elaboration.
If these Soviet style polices concerns you, you might want to consider distributing a full analysis of Senate Bill 1.
The EPA Steals An Entire Town
The town in question is Riverton, Wyoming and this transfer of ownership was accomplished under the authority of the Clean Air Act which “allowed” the EPA to hand over Riverton to the Wind River Indian Reservation. This land grab amounts to the transfer of ownership of over one million acres and impacts over 10,000 Americans.The EPA and the Department of Justice and Department of Interior, have decided it would be a good idea if it seized an entire town, including everyone’s property and turn it over to an Indian Nation. The EPA did exactly this without telling the mayor or any other elected official.
In the case of Riverton, WY., the EPA has a powerful ally in the form of President Obama through the use of Executive Order (EO)13603. This EO combined with the heinous actions of the EPA have now been used to steal an entire town.
Conclusion and Call to Action Against the EPA
Do you understand that legislation against idling cars, the ability to seize property to promote sustainable communities and the self-proclaimed right for the federal government to seize an entire town, are all beta tests? If our out of control federal bureaucracies can get away with this in Riverton, then what is to prevent this from happening in your town?Local residents need to reclaim their local governments at the key point in the process. This means capturing the office of the Sheriff in your local county. Every Sheriff is duty bound to uphold the Constitution. In doing so, a Sheriff has the legal right to act against those who are acting in an unconstitutional manner. As such, if your community can capture the office of the Sheriff, the Sheriff could deputize hundreds if not thousands of locally armed citizens. By acting in concert, locally deputized citizens along with Sheriff’s deputies could begin to arrest EPA officials and all local politicians who think that the passage and enforcement of laws, such as SB 1, is actually a good idea.
I completely understand that the Executive branch of the government may respond. Perhaps the King needs to know that tens of thousands of Lexington “greens” awaits his federal tyrants. Perhaps the 200+ military commanders who have been fired by Obama along with hundreds more military officers waiting to be fired, are taking notice.
EPA overrides Congress, hands over town to Indian tribes
Have you heard the story of the residents of Riverton, Wyo.? One day they were Wyomingans, the next they were members of the Wind River tribes — after the Environmental Protection Agency declared the town part of the Wind River Indian Reservation, undoing a 1905 law passed by Congress and angering state officials.
The surprise decision was made by officials of the EPA, the Department of Interior, and Department of Justice early last month, and has invoked the ire of Gov. Matt Mead, who has vowed not to honor the agency’s decision and is preparing to fight in court.
“My deep concern is about an administrative agency of the federal government altering a state’s boundary and going against over 100 years of history and law,” Mead said in a statement. “This should be a concern to all citizens because, if the EPA can unilaterally take land away from a state, where will it stop?”
Latest Anointments
Just some things from the last few months to ponder. Once again glick shows that it is who you know as the only thing that really counts at the sheriff's department in the promotion cycle.
No testing, just blatant notifications of promotions because, well I'm the sheriff and will promote whom I choose. It used to be that just the captain slots were that way. Now it appears that every promotion will be.
That could be a point in a new sheriff's administration as to certain promotions being valid or political.
As to the promotions to captain, some questions come to mind. Wasn't the new patrol captain the same lieutenant that did the botched internal investigation on Ken Cook? The one that got thrown out at district court level because Cook hired an attorney that pushed his case outside the local Laramie County "good old boys" court system? How much is that costing the taxpayers of Laramie County? Or does that go under win some, lose some?
The latest anointed patrol lieutenant still carries his prior baggage with him. He was not known as an overly efficient street deputy, definitely not a good sergeant, but still a legend in his own mind. Is he still looking for everyone to do him harm every time? Are there any new, undeserved awards to speak of? Remember, he was (and still is) a favorite of the new patrol captain (who had wanted him in that position the last time it came open).
Now you don't test for the sergeant position. The latest anointment to sergeant speak volumes. Why bother putting on the charade of a test when it will be who you know and what they think of glick that gets you the position. The only good part is that they will be known as a political hack, nothing more. Most people would want to be remembered as better than that.
How long will this go on? At least until another sheriff takes over. And then what? A new sheriff will have his hands full dealing with the incompetence in supervision that has been left behind, assuming they stay.
But as long as longshanks turns on the charm, smiles at the right time, empathizes with whomever he talks to, and generally spreads his bullshit as far and wide as he can, don't look for the uninformed voters to change in the next election. Look for glick to start showing up in public to be sure that he is seen.
No testing, just blatant notifications of promotions because, well I'm the sheriff and will promote whom I choose. It used to be that just the captain slots were that way. Now it appears that every promotion will be.
That could be a point in a new sheriff's administration as to certain promotions being valid or political.
As to the promotions to captain, some questions come to mind. Wasn't the new patrol captain the same lieutenant that did the botched internal investigation on Ken Cook? The one that got thrown out at district court level because Cook hired an attorney that pushed his case outside the local Laramie County "good old boys" court system? How much is that costing the taxpayers of Laramie County? Or does that go under win some, lose some?
The latest anointed patrol lieutenant still carries his prior baggage with him. He was not known as an overly efficient street deputy, definitely not a good sergeant, but still a legend in his own mind. Is he still looking for everyone to do him harm every time? Are there any new, undeserved awards to speak of? Remember, he was (and still is) a favorite of the new patrol captain (who had wanted him in that position the last time it came open).
Now you don't test for the sergeant position. The latest anointment to sergeant speak volumes. Why bother putting on the charade of a test when it will be who you know and what they think of glick that gets you the position. The only good part is that they will be known as a political hack, nothing more. Most people would want to be remembered as better than that.
How long will this go on? At least until another sheriff takes over. And then what? A new sheriff will have his hands full dealing with the incompetence in supervision that has been left behind, assuming they stay.
But as long as longshanks turns on the charm, smiles at the right time, empathizes with whomever he talks to, and generally spreads his bullshit as far and wide as he can, don't look for the uninformed voters to change in the next election. Look for glick to start showing up in public to be sure that he is seen.
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