Gun Control, Then Tyranny!
Ray DiLorenzo
"Molon Labe" (Come and Take Them)
As King Leonidas responded to the Persian army when they demanded the Spartans surrender their weapons at the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C. (the 300 Spartans).
I could easily write an article about the absurdity of gun control laws, but Ive decided to let history speak for itself.
History is brimming with proof that gun control leads only to confiscation, death and tyranny:
Ottoman Turkey 1915 -1917
Target: Armenians
Killed: 1-1.5 million
Date of Gun Control Law: 1886-1911
Gun Control Scheme: Permits Required, Ban on Possession
Soviet Union 1929-1953
Target: Anti-Communists
Killed: 20-40 million
Date of Gun Control Law: 1928-1938
Gun Control Scheme: Licensing of Owners, Ban on Possession
Nazi Germany & Occupied Europe 1933-1945
Target: Jews, Gypsies, Anti-Nazis
Killed: 20 million (Many were killed by the Brown Shirts, Hitler's private army, which were eventually targeted themselves)
Date of Gun Control Law: 1928-1938
Gun Control Scheme: Registration, Ban on Possession
China, Nationalist 1927-1949
Target: Political Opponents, Army Conscripts
Killed: 10 million
Date of Gun Control Law: 1914, 1935
Gun Control Scheme: Government Permit System, Ban on Private Ownership
China, Communist 1949-1952, 1957-1960, 1966-1976
Target: Anti-Communists, Rural Populations
Killed: 20-35 million
Date of Gun Control Law: 1935-1957
Gun Control Scheme: Prison or death to "Counter Revolutionaries"
Guatemala 1960-1981
Target: Maya Indians
Killed: 150,000
Date of Gun Control Law: 1932-1964
Gun Control Scheme: Registration, Licensing with high fees, Ban on guns & sharp tools
Uganda 1971-1979
Target: Christians, Political Rivals
Killed: 300,000
Date of Gun Control Law: 1955-1970
Gun Control Scheme: Register all guns and owners, Photo ID, Warrantless searches, Licenses for transactions, Confiscation
Cambodia 1975-1979
Target: Educated Persons
Killed: 2 million
Date of Gun Control Law: 1956
Gun Control Scheme: Licensing of guns, owners and ammunition, Photo ID
Rwanda 1994
Target: Tutsi People
Killed: 800,000
Date of Gun Control Law: 1979
Gun Control Scheme: Registration of guns, ammunition and owners, Ban concealable guns
As one can see from history, all genocide in the 20th century was preceded by gun control. Totalitarian governments begin their infringement on civil rights by disarming the public with the promise of "safety" by giving up a "little" freedom.
Safety from what? Criminals? Does the government really think criminals are going to register their guns? No, they don't. Gun control is as much about safety as Obamacare is about health care.
Make no mistake, gun confiscation in this country will be attempted incrementally. The elites of Hollywood, the media and the political class will work feverishly to convince us it's in our benefit to be unarmed.
With the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, a list of "domestic terrorists" from the MIAC (Missouri Information Analysis Center) in 2009 have included veterans, libertarians, gun owners, constitutionalists and more recently "tea baggers." These groups will be the first to be disarmed, but the list will keep growing until it includes everyone except the political class. The "useful idiots" of the media and Hollywood will realize too late they have been had.
History has spoken, are you listening?
"Molon Labe"
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