
The still grieving widow of murdered patriot, LaVoy Finicum comes to Plains, Montana to support freedom from Government tyranny
James White NorthWest Liberty News
There are not many who would consider themselves members of the Patriot Community who have not heard about the murder of LaVoy Finicum. To recap, LaVoy Finicum, along with various members of the Bundy family, were involved in the peaceful occupation of the Malheur Refuge in Oregon this past winter.
During a trip to a meeting in a neighboring county, Finicum, along with the rest of the peaceful protestors, were apprehended by members of the Oregon State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigations in an obvious ambush; with certain members of the convoy being fired upon repeatedly by the aforementioned agencies. One of the people who were in the group that were fired upon was LaVoy Finicum.
As seen in the video released by “authorities,” LaVoy exited the vehicle in an apparent attempt to draw gunfire away from his traveling companions. Sadly, LaVoy was executed for his actions. Deserving, perhaps, a ticket for Trespassing, LaVoy Finicum was basically murdered for taking a peaceful stand against the Federal Government. LaVoy’s death, however, was not in vain, as countless patriots have mobilized and are taking action as a direct result his criminal execution. One prominent member of the Finicum family, LaVoy’s widow, Jeanette, has picked up the torch and is taking action.
One can only imagine the pain involved with losing a spouse; especially one as beloved as LaVoy Finicum was to his wife and family. When faced with such adversity, there are a few paths that a person can choose. Taking a stand and getting into the fight is the path that Jeanette Finicum and her family have taken. As Jeanette outlines in the video below, when they silenced LaVoy’s voice they borr 12 more; as LaVoy’s children and family have now become active in the movement for Constitutional principles.
Please take the time to watch the heart-wrenching video below, as Jeanette Finicum recounts her love for LaVoy and recalls the last thing he said to her before he left for Oregon
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