Our nation is filled with corruption because our churches are filled with cowards!
The number one reason the USA is in dire straits morally, economically and educationally is because of the shameful silence of the Christian church over the last forty years.
When the liberal left launched its unholy war on American values back in the sixties, the very first thing they went after was prayer and the bible in public schools. They knew that the bible and faith in God was the cornerstone of American culture and freedom. They also knew the importance of taking charge of the children!
And the Christian church did nothing!
A corrupt judge banged his gavel and said no to prayer and bible in the schools and the Christian church, instead of boldly standing upon the First Amendment with the authority of Almighty God, timidly turned away, leaving America’s children at the mercy of godless liberals.
The Christian church in America has a bad habit of retreating when it should stand firm. The Founding Fathers wrote the First Amendment freedom of religion and speech in stone as a guarantee that the bible and prayer would never be stripped away from our children, our schools, our government or our homes.
But the Bill of Rights stands only so long as We The People are willing to fight for it when the oppressors come against it. Well, the oppressors came and blatantly violated the religious freedom of millions of American students.
“Oh, But the bible says we are to obey those in authority” some may say, citing Romans 13:1. But anyone who knows their bible knows that we are to obey the authorities until they cross the line and demand that we disobey the Word of God.
Jesus crossed the authorities when he boldly challenged the religious leaders of his day. The Apostles of Christ boldly disobeyed the courts after they were ordered to stop preaching the message of salvation! John the Baptist boldly and publicly challenged King Herod “for all the evil he had done”. The actions of our Lord and his men make it clear that we are not to obey the authoritues when those authorities are trying to shut down the Word of God and the gospel message.
Romans 13:1 “Every person must be subject to the governing authorities, for no authority exists exept by God’s permission.” (International Standard Version)
This verse, Romans 13:1 has been used as an excuse to avoid conflict with the God haters of America, but the actions of Jesus Christ, John the Baptist and the Apostles all demonstrate that we are duty bound to defy and challenge authorities that defy the Word of God!
So, here we are, thanks to the shameful silence of the Christian church, in a nation that slaughters unborn children, embraces sexual perversion as if it is the new religion and is now coming after men and women of faith to persecute us for our Christian belief and lifestyles.
The silence of the Christian church must end now! The USA needs to see Christian courage rising up to challenge the evil in our schools, our government and in the public square. If John the Baptist can challenge King Herod, we can challenge federal judges!
A silent Christian is a defeated Christian.